Sunday, December 10, 2023

the shocking future of great britain from today

great britain is the true land of covenant for the 12 tribes of kubala. for the abomination on the land, the vengeance of yahowah is upon the people who plundered the ancient heights and said “aha aha, we rule britain”.

these are the plagues released on the land;

great famine

green trees shall be burnt down

the stolen wealth of great britain shall be plundered by the creator yahowah 

the return of the native people of great britain, the 12 tribes of kubala 

the wise men, military and police shall be destroyed completely 

all events shall be cancelled. people shall not be able to enjoy night life anymore which will lead to depression and anxiety among the edomites. the edomites shall kill themselves.

uncircumcised men have defiled the land with swine blood for this reason, all first borns shall die. they even have an uncircumcised king to lead them. a blind man leading the flock to the slaughterhouse 

earthquake, tsunami, hailstorm from the Scottish highlands and ireland to london.

plague of sickness shall kill two-thirds of the population especially edomites.

kubala kubala ilizwe

words sealed among the gods of kubala 

1 comment:

Breaking Kubala News

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