“now listen o sons of edom, which god ordained you as priests, levites or sons of zadok to perform the ritual of anointing a foreigner as king on my holy land of great britain? who told you to give the sacred words of zadok given to king solomon “yahowah saves the king” to a stranger who is not of the holy bloodline of jesse? who among you have the power to make kings for i appoint kings of the earth, bless them and destroy those who trespass against me. I am the god who created the heavens and the earth. great britain as my footstool, my holy covenant land for my children yet you have profaned it with your abominations.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
the destruction of the house of esau
you say in your hearts “aha aha we have plundered the ancient heights, holy utensils, golden incense table, mercy seat and the ark of covenant, driven out the 12 tribes and have divided the heritage of the tribes of kubala among ourselves”.
therefore, be prepared for the great catastrophic consequences in the land of great britain.
there comes severe earthquakes, tornadoes, hailstorms, floods, pestilence, famine and several deaths in great britain because your pride and abominations before the creator of the heavens and earth; yahowah. you have sacrificed and profaned the holy land with swine blood therefore, he shall bring you to his valley in the highlands where he shall enter into judgement with you in the valley of jehoshaphat. there shall be no where to run to and no where to hide on that day.
o yahowah is coming in his vengeance, his eyes is burning like fire, and his white garment is stained with blood from the mountain of seir. in his hands is the fattened sword prepared in bozrah and he shall roar from the northern highlands sion on that day.
this is the great day of victory for the tribes of kubala when they have settled safely in the land they used to own.
400years of captivity is over and the chosen remnant are returning from the four corners of the world to inherit the land which yahowah sworn to their fathers ahbram, izaak and jacob/kubala. from the solomon island, papua guinea, jamaica, haiti, ghana, north america etc, the remnant are returning and no one shall make them afraid for their adversaries shall be no more.
“now go and tell your king that, as daniel the prophet foretold, the stone has crushed his feet and he is witnessing the crumbling down of his kingdom and all the kingdoms before him.
and my servant atehene shall be king over my children and all nations, yes he is the chosen seed from bethlehem ephrathah, the messiah.” saith yahowah the creator of the heavens and earth.
kubala kubala ilizwe
“prophetic words given by the creator of the heavens and earth yahowah to his messiah atehene on 11 december 2023 during the 3rd hour of prayer”
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