Wednesday, December 27, 2023

things to know before the great gathering and exodus of the saints


the great gathering, exodus of the saints, chosen women, children of the 12 tribes of kubala and the grafted gentiles has come. behold, the great day of yahowah is here and his tabernacle is in the house of offeh.

the angels of yahowah are on earth prepared to move all the chosen remnants from the four corners of the earth to the kingdom of kubala/great britain. you may have seen them in the skies in their splendor and glory. the edomites may call them “meteor showers”. 

now hear this, before the great day of announcement, these things you must note if you are among the chosen ones;

write down things or names you can easily forget after the great announcement. many chosen ones shall experience a memory reset on the day for a reason. you must write down the names of your children, your own name, the names of your parents or siblings, get a diary and note down some moments in this life you wish to remember. 

most mothers with children who would not make it to the millennium kingdom of kubala would forget about their old self and life.

print all pictures you want to remember. you would not be able to carry your phones or computers during the day of exodus. print pictures of the people who matters to you because most of them would be left behind.

mark your door with the sacred “mark of life” given to moses and ezekiel during the apocalypse.

indeed, we shall be given a new body. this body would not be different from the old image of ourselves. it will be a refined body of ourselves. women will have long beautiful hair, no scars, beautiful skins and perfect voices. edomites who may be grafted into the kingdom shall maintain their skin and hair color as strangers among the 12 tribes of kubala. 

this means, the people outside the kingdom who knew you would be able to recognize you after the 7 years apocalypse when we come out of the secret location in the highlands of kubala.

the new body would allow the living remnant to live up to 1000years not eternity. in the millennium kingdom of kubala, the living remnant shall live upto 1000years and may die but the 2nd death has no power over our ancestors who are joining us. the dead who will be awaken shall not taste dead again even during the 2nd war of armageddon after the release of the dragon from abyss.

this is not the rapture as falsely told by the christians. this is the great gathering and exodus for the chosen remnant and the grafted gentiles after the end of edom’s civilization 2 esdras 6:9.

see you all soon…

your messiah and shepherd 


kubala kubala ilizwe!

Monday, December 25, 2023

the great exodus to the land of promise not heaven

the great exodus is here, the gathering of all the saints, women, children and the chosen people from the dead has come. prepare my people, prepare my tribe, for the day of yahowah has come.

since 2019, yahowah and his angels have been busy creating a new heaven and earth as a new covenant to his children the 12 tribes of kubala. just as yahowah completed the heavens and earth in 7 days, the renovation process of the heavens and the earth has been on going since the time of corona plague. 

the land of ghana is not the promised land

for yahowah told you that, on that day you shall see signs and wonders in the skies which today many people have witnessed these unexplainable events in the skies. the edomites became so desperate to even claim that, what ever is happening in the skies is as a result of ufo invasion. that was very pathetic to say the least.

the new skies is ready after all the fake clouds were swept down on earth. many people saw some weird snows which is not normal ice. many people have also seen two suns which is the old and the new one.

many have also seen that beneath the grey or blue skies, there are beautiful northern lights. 

on the day of exodus, the new heavens shall be unveiled for the saints to witness the beautiful skies created for them. all nations will be afraid on that day. 

also, the earth is being destroyed with hailstorms, floods, wildfire, earthquakes, tsunami, fireballs from the heavens etc for a new beginning after the 7 year tribulation. the saints shall be gathered and hidden in the highlands of kubala/great britain during the 7 year tribulation

after the end of the 400years reign of edomites from elizabeth i and ii, this marks the beginning of the new world of the 12 tribes of kubala and all the remnant are returning to their own land from captivity.

the angels shall lead them through the highways and they shall come to the mountain where their shepherd atehene shall be waiting for them.

together with the selected animals, we shall march in a straight line towards the holy land of promise in the northern kingdom of kubala. there shall be a pillar of fire before us and smoke after us. we shall be singing a song which we will learn before the great march and chant kubala kubala ilizwe...

all our ancestors from adam shall be given a new body and clothes to wear to join us in this great exodus to the holy land of promise. the skies will be illuminating, the angels will flash lightnings, the trees will be dancing to our songs, the birds will be above us, the seas will be chanting of joy, the earth will be singing and the mountains will give out smoke to welcome us back to the land of promise in kubala.

the great exodus shall be on foot just like the time of my father moses and it will take us three hours to get to the land of promise. 

how glorious this day shall be when all our pains and sorrows are gone for yahowah shall comfort us. there shall be no more pain in our eyes. those who left their children or family behind the walls of kubala will be made to forget. it will be a long distant memory so that those chosen ones can start a new life, have new family and worship yahowah the god of kubala in holiness.

the great exodus…

kubala kubala ilizwe 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

i am your messiah, bow before me for salvation


“behold your messiah has come. all those who shall bow before me shall inherit the kingdom of yahowah before the great day of his vengeance. for were you not told that a righteous seed of david shall come during this time? were you not told that the royal bloodline of david from the clan of bethlehem ephrathat shall never lack a heir to the throne of kubala? were you not told by prophet isaiah, messiah jeremiah, messenger zechariah, ezekiel, yesu kristo and john the revelator that i shall come? 

you have eyes, but you can’t see…

today, I walk in my streets, my own land and my inheritance as a stranger to the heathens. the assyrians seek my blood for they know i am the holy grail, a witness for this time.

when prophet nathan went to my grandfather david, this is what yahowah said through him to the old king of kubala;

2 samuel 7:12-16 read this with understanding…

yahowah said to my grandfather david, when his days are fulfilled and he sleeps with my ancestors ahbraham, izaak and jacob/kubala, he shall raise up david’s offspring who shall come from the davidic royal bloodline. 

that son shall establish his kingdom in kubala. 

that son will build the 3rd temple for yahowah.

i yahowah shall establish the throne of the son of davids kingdom forever 

i yahowah (will) be a father to the offspring of david 

davids offspring (shall) be to me a son saith yahowah 

when the offspring of david commits “iniquities”, i yahowah will discipline him with a ‘rod of men’, with the stripes of the ‘sons of men’.

but yahowah’s steadfast love will not depart from the offspring of david as i yahowah took it from saul.

this prophetic message to old king david was not about solomon or yesu kristo. so many people who are still waiting for an edomite “jesus” to come from the skies tomorrow are already deceived by the catholics. 

yahowah said he shall discipline the seed of david when he sins with stripes of men. yesu kristo did not sin and he cannot sin because he is the word. how can yahowah punish his son who is the word? 

yahowah said, the offspring of david will become a son to me. yesu kristo is already the son of yahowah before the beginning of time so he would not tell david that.

yesu kristo did not build a temple for yahowah when he came on earth and he had no kingdom on earth. he spoke about the kingdom of his father.

i am atehene, the royal bloodline of david. songs were written about me (psalms 45 and 72). prophesies were written about me micah 4, isaiah 43, ezekiel 40-48, and yesu kristo even said this about my reign…

“after the end of essau civilization which is the end of the world, the comes a new earth and heavens for the tribe of kubala. when atehene the son of man rules in his glorious throne of kubala, all of you disciples who followed me shall sit with him on the 12 thrones of the tribes and judge the nation of kubala.” matthew 19:28

and rev 2:26

“i yesu kristo shall give power to atehene and he shall rule all nations with the rod of his mouth as a witness. his power shall be from sea to sea just as i yesu kristo received from my father yahowah, my son will reign forever in the millennium kingdom of kubala.

the kingdom of atehene is the millennium kingdom.

hear therefore, the spirit of understanding, knowledge and wisdom are upon me, let those with ears, hear for your messiah has come…

kubala kubala ilizwe 

words sealed among the gods”

sacred words from the messiah on this sabbath day written by a scribe 

Friday, December 22, 2023

the new world order from kubala

the new world order are sacred laws which comes from the kingdom of kubala after the 7 years of gathering for the 12 tribes and the grafted strangers.

many false preachers speak about different concepts of the new world order. some believe that the catholic pope will establish a new law for everyone to worship on sunday. others also say the antichrist shall come with strict laws and that is the definition of “new world order”. all these are misleading doctrines from the heathens. the reign of edomites is over and the antichrist reign is just 42 months after the 1000years reign of the saints in the kingdom of kubala. so today, the seed of the antichrist is irrelevant for it shall be wounded during the great day of yahowah.

it is written that, yahowah makes a new earth and a new heavens which shall be the inheritance of his children; the 12 tribes of kubala. 
daniel spoke about the new world being the stone which destroyed the statue of all civilizations from the beginning of time. 

“while you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them…but the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.” daniel 2

this is the kingdom of kubala not heaven….

“hear therefore, after the end of esau civilization is the end of the world, the next world is the kingdom for the 12 tribes of kubala” 2 esdras 6:9

so the new world order has nothing to do with what is christians preach or what is spoken about in the news.

many peoples will come and say, “come, let us go up to the mountain of kubala, to the temple of the god of kubala. he will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” the law of the new world will go out from the highlands, the word of the yahowah from the northern kingdom of kubala.

these are some of the laws which shall govern the new world;

a new calendar and times for prayers, feasts, holy days and sacrifices for all nations strictly to observe.

the sabbath day shall be observed by all nations. it shall be mandatory for all nations to worship yahowah on the sabbath day. no other day shall be observed by anyone on earth. great punishment of death for anyone who disobeys the sabbath law.

a change of educational system for the world. students will learn about the creator yahowah, his laws, the temple, girls will learn about motherhood and how to be good wives, boys will learn fatherhood and being good husbands, skills development and farming. on the day to the sabbath, all schools or institutions must close before midday for sabbath preparation.

a man who lies with another man as with a woman is punishable by death. it is an abomination before yahowah. 

every family outside the kingdom of kubala must travel to kubala to observe the feast of tabernacle. if a family fails to come to kubala during this period, they shall not eat and everything they own shall be taken away from them.

unblemished ram, oxen from the nations shall be used to offer burnt, atonement and peace sacrifices to yahowah. 

no vegetarians or vegans shall exist in the world for everyone will observe the holy feasts where lamb must be eaten.

nations must bring their tributes to atehene, the king of kubala.

farming shall be the main source of income for every household and all nations shall use one currency which comes from the kingdom of kubala 

polygamy is the way of life for all nations. wives must give birth as many times they want and they shall be blessed by yahowah. blessed are men who may have several children within their tents.

all virgins, children, widows, single mothers are the property by bond for the king of kubala. any offense against them shall be dealt with by the wise judges from the 12 tribes and their clan heads.

free slaves are the property of the king of kubala. bond slaves must obey their master forever and their ears must be pierced by their master. ears piercing and ear rings shall the identity of slaves in kubala.

all male children in africa, america, kubala and all nations shall be circumcised and all male first borns must be dedicated to yahowah after they are weaned. these children shall work in the temple.

children of slaves are the property by adoption for the king of kubala. these children shall serve the sons and daughters of the tribes of kubala.

when the bell from the northern kingdom of kubala sounds, all people must stop everything they were doing and pray to yahowah. this shall be observed in all nations.

in that day, there shall be peace and harmony among nations because the power of the world is with yahowah and his chosen nation;kubala

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

christian god is not the hebrew god of kubala

the mystery of the gods has been misunderstood by many people including even the chosen remnant of the 12 tribes.

the tribes of kubala connect to our god through connecting to nature in innocence. our ancestors used to pray through the pouring of libation, offering animal sacrifices, and performing other sacred forms of rituals. our god is yahowah, the creator of the heavens and earth and they world has known him not.

yahowah, the god of ahbraham, izaak and yakob/kubala is not the same god worshipped by christians or other religions. christians through the catholics are lost gentiles who are waiting for the great slaughter by yahowah.

when you ask a christian “what or who do you pray to?”, they reply “god”. 

“which god”, they answer “god in heaven”

but it is written that “in the beginning yahowah created the (heavens) and the earth”. there are several heavens with other deities or gods like allah, sirius the god-star etc. so christians are not sure which among of the gods receives their prayers and worship.

a christian may say “i worship the most high”. the old dragon is also referred to as the most high by the freemasons. 

a christian will say; “i worship jesus”. firstly, there is no one called jesus who have existed on earth as the son of yahowah. secondly, yesu kristo is not supposed to be worshipped as the son of yahowah but one must worship (through) yesu kristo. for it is written; “no one goes to my father yahowah except through me”. 

a christian may say, “i serve jehovah”. jehovah is the false god presented to many people by the catholics. yahowah is the true name of the hebrew god of kubala.

yahowah is not allah or budha. these are different deities for the ishmaelites and other strangers.

yahowah was silent for 400years until 2019 when he began to speak to his chosen ones. his power is upon the earth and his vengeance is upon those who destroyed his chosen tribes of kubala. 

yahowah has awakened all the chosen black remnant of kubala who were scattered around the four corners of the world in the 1600s and he shall bring them back to the kingdom of kubala with his mighty right hand before the seven-year tribulation. this is the greatest time spoken about since the time of the hebrew patriarchs and prophets.

to know more about yahowah, read the book of exodus, numbers, leviticus, isaiah, zachariah, jeremiah, obediah not the letters of paul to the gentiles. the letters of paul were written for a purpose to deceive the strangers for the one who understands the word, has the power!

kubala kubala ilizwe 

great catastrophic event on its way to new york, america


how the mighty has fallen o land of egypt(america). lament and gird yourself with sackcloth for the vengeance of yahowah is upon your land.

flee from new york and it’s surrounding before this day. the angel of destruction stands in between the clouds and the earth and in his hands is a mighty sword ready to devour the people of the land.

now listen, the kingdom of kubala is the only safe place on earth during this great day of darkness. let those with ears, hear…

kubala kubala ilizwe 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

black americans are not africans


black americans are not africans 

as the world is ending for a new beginning, the hidden truth of the earth and heavens must be revealed to many who seeks it. the hebrew god yahowah anointed me as a righteous branch of my forefathers to deliver my people from the hands of those who oppressed them for over 400years.

black americans are not africans. native africans were known in ancient times as ethiopians or nubians. the native africans include the people like south africans, kenyans, sudanese, zambians, lesotho, and many others. 

egypt and ethiopia as countries in africa are false lands with false people.

today, black americans have become a mixture of the true black egyptians, the black hebrews and the foreigners. the biblical land of egypt is the land of america and the native people were a kind of black tribal people known as the “wewe tribe”. the wewe tribe built their civilization after the fall of ethiopian/african civilization. they built upon the technology, the science of the africans and became a superpower among all nations. they possessed the land of america and its islands. 

the hebrews are a kind of black people who descended from a sacred bloodline which runs through ahbram, izaak and yakub/kubala. the hebrews inherited the land of great britain as a possession from their god known as yahowah not jehovah. the hebrews disobeyed the creator and his statutes of yahowah and were cursed according to historical records. 

in the 1600s, the hebrews of great britain were persecuted and executed by the catholic invaders during the reign of elizabeth i. the 10 tribes who remained in power after the fall of the southern kingdom were deported to several lands including america and north america. they were referred to as the blackamoors, moros, black cimarron tudors, swanthy people or dubh tribes 

slavery of hebrews began in great britain before the transatlantic slave trade from gold coast ghana. the ashantis who were later enslaved by the edomites were the tribe of yuda who managed to flee great britain to hide themselves among the native africans.

the assyrians or edomites from mount seir took the land of egypt(america), israel(great britain) and destroyed its people so that they will not become a nation again. the black hebrew slaves intermarried the native black egyptians and most were raped by the strangers to create a huge community of lost black souls looking for their ancestral homeland.

inspired revelation from yahowah the creator of the heavens and earth

words sealed among the gods

kubala kubala ilizwe 

Friday, December 15, 2023

no uncircumcised man should teach the scriptures

the god of the heavens and the earth has sent me to deliver the lost sheep of kubala, give justice to the poor, be a light to the gentiles and to establish his kingdom on earth forever on his holy mountain.

today many nations and people hold the scriptures in search of its understanding but the scriptures were only written by the hebrews for the hebrews apart from the letters of paul.

no uncircumcised man understands the scriptures to even be allowed to teach. it is an abomination to teach the sacred words of the hebrews of you are uncircumcised man.

anyone who eats swine does not hear from yahowah the creator of the heavens and earth. the person who eats pork or touches it’s carcasses has defiled himself.

women who wear wigs do not hear from the creator. the crown of a woman should not be covered with other foreign hair. it is a abomination in the eyes of yahowah.

women who do not cover their hair during praying or reading the scriptures do not understand the hidden truth about the kingdom of yahowah.

no edomite has the understanding of the scriptures for it was not written for them.

no black egyptian, etruscan, ethiopian, assyrian or ishmaelite can understand the truth in the scriptures yet today everyone is carrying the history book of the 12 tribes of kubala.

the blind leads the blind, edomites created a religion out of the spirituality of the hebrews and that religion has harvested billions of people ready to be slaughtered by yahowah.

for yahowah did not ordain or instruct any people to form churches and create a religion in his name. 
yahowah was silent from 1600s until the beginning of the ‘corona’ plague. for over 400years, the creator was silently waiting for the yoke to be broken off the neck of his chosen people; elizabethan england. 

so any person who calls himself “man of god”, any church or religious groups formed before corona plague are all false from the synagogue of the old dragon.

the scriptures were written in codes for the understanding of only the chosen 12 tribes of kubala. the stories of the scriptures did not highlight the journey of the native africans(ethiopians), black egyptians, edomites from mount seir, moabites, amorites and ishmaelites etc. 

the 12 tribes of kubala are a set apart black people who are scattered in places like solomon island, papua guinea, nigeria, mali, cote divore, ghana, jamaica, haiti, brazil, america, guyana, trinidad, etc.

so if you are looking at the middle east for signs and wonders of the end times, if you are waiting for a “jesus” to appear in the clouds today, if you are waiting for a rapture or you believe paul or mohammed is the foundation of your faith, then be prepared for the great slaughter. you have been sold to the old serpent and he paid no silver for you. you have rather paid the dragon for your own destruction through your offerings and tithings.

kubala kubala ilizwe…

sacred words from the messiah atehene

the close down of airports and airline companies


you are witnessing the end of the world for a new beginning for the 12 tribes of kubala and the great apocalypse has begun.

airlines companies and airports shall be closing down. airplanes shall be destroyed, lot of fatalities because the wind is awakened for vengeance.

ships also shall not be moving because of the fury of the sea during this time. 

this means, businesses or companies which thrive on these means of transportation like dhl, cargoes shippers, food exporters, traveling agencies shall close down and be remembered no more.

the great collapse of edomites world has begun and none shall sleep. those who shall flee to the messiah atehene and the kingdom of kubala shall survive this great day.

words sealed among the gods

kubala kubala ilizwe 

charles is an imposter, not a royal bloodline of great britain

the time has come for the return of the 12 tribes of kubala in the land we used to own and no one shall make us afraid for our adversaries shall be no more.

Kubala kubala ilizwe 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

mark of the beast


sacred words of the messiah atehene 

“covid 19 vaccination is the first mark of the beast which precedes the rebirth of yahowah’s chosen nation; kubala kingdom.

many people joined the slaughterhouse queue because they were advised by friends, pastors or family. they were told that it is a requirement for jobs and travels etc and because they think the mark of the beast is a micro chip, they went for the mark under their skin. o my people why?

do you not know that there are two forms of the mark of the beast, one is to happen before the millennium kingdom of kubala and the next one shall be after the 1000years reign of the 12 tribes of kubala. 

the second one shall be administered by the son of perdition and the false prophet before the release of the old dragon from abyss. there is no antichrist coming today to destroy or take hold of the holy temple which is yet to be built in the highlands of kubala.

anyone who took the 1st mark of the beast shall perish for 2/3rds of the world’s population shall die during the 7 year tribulation after the great exodus.”

reference scriptures: ezekiel 37, isaiah 11:11-12, ezekiel 20:33-38

the destruction of the house of esau

 “now listen o sons of edom, which god ordained you as priests, levites or sons of zadok to perform the ritual of anointing a foreigner as king on my holy land of great britain? who told you to give the sacred words of zadok given to king solomon “yahowah saves the king” to a stranger who is not of the holy bloodline of jesse? who among you have the power to make kings for  i appoint kings of the earth, bless them and destroy those who trespass against me. I am the god who created the heavens and the earth. great britain as my footstool, my holy covenant land for my children yet you have profaned it with your abominations. 

you say in your hearts “aha aha we have plundered the ancient heights, holy utensils, golden incense table, mercy seat and the ark of covenant, driven out the 12 tribes and have divided the heritage of the tribes of kubala among ourselves”. 

therefore, be prepared for the great catastrophic consequences in the land of great britain.

there comes severe earthquakes, tornadoes, hailstorms, floods, pestilence, famine and several deaths in great britain because your pride and abominations before the creator of the heavens and earth; yahowah. you have sacrificed and profaned the holy land with swine blood therefore, he shall bring you to his valley in the highlands where he shall enter into judgement with you in the valley of jehoshaphat. there shall be no where to run to and no where to hide on that day.

o yahowah is coming in his vengeance, his eyes is burning like fire, and his white garment is stained with blood from the mountain of seir. in his hands is the fattened sword prepared in bozrah and he shall roar from the northern highlands sion on that day. 

this is the great day of victory for the tribes of kubala when they have settled safely in the land they used to own.

400years of captivity is over and the chosen remnant are returning from the four corners of the world to inherit the land which yahowah sworn to their fathers ahbram, izaak and jacob/kubala. from the solomon island, papua guinea, jamaica, haiti, ghana, north america etc, the remnant are returning and no one shall make them afraid for their adversaries shall be no more.

“now go and tell your king that, as daniel the prophet foretold, the stone has crushed his feet and he is witnessing the crumbling down of his kingdom and all the kingdoms before him. 

and my servant atehene shall be king over my children and all nations, yes he is the chosen seed from bethlehem ephrathah, the messiah.” saith yahowah the creator of the heavens and earth.

kubala kubala ilizwe 

“prophetic words given by the creator of the heavens and earth yahowah to his messiah atehene on 11 december 2023 during the 3rd hour of prayer”

Sunday, December 10, 2023

the shocking future of great britain from today

great britain is the true land of covenant for the 12 tribes of kubala. for the abomination on the land, the vengeance of yahowah is upon the people who plundered the ancient heights and said “aha aha, we rule britain”.

these are the plagues released on the land;

great famine

green trees shall be burnt down

the stolen wealth of great britain shall be plundered by the creator yahowah 

the return of the native people of great britain, the 12 tribes of kubala 

the wise men, military and police shall be destroyed completely 

all events shall be cancelled. people shall not be able to enjoy night life anymore which will lead to depression and anxiety among the edomites. the edomites shall kill themselves.

uncircumcised men have defiled the land with swine blood for this reason, all first borns shall die. they even have an uncircumcised king to lead them. a blind man leading the flock to the slaughterhouse 

earthquake, tsunami, hailstorm from the Scottish highlands and ireland to london.

plague of sickness shall kill two-thirds of the population especially edomites.

kubala kubala ilizwe

words sealed among the gods of kubala 

Breaking Kubala News

breaking kubala news: messiah atehene and queen nandi along with princess ruvimbo nakai arrested for child abduction

in a shocking turn of events, on the 30 th of october 2023, at seaham beach, the whole seaside town came to a standstill as more than 10 pol...