Thursday, November 9, 2023

the fall of white civilization after 400 years, chaka returns


the tabernacle of yahowah is among men. it rests in the house of jacob. He is roaring like a fierce lion upon the earth and the heavens are in awe of his presence. judgement, judgement upon the inhabitants of the earth. those who worshipped carved images shall gnash their teeth and chew the wooden god they created.

thus says yahowa, “ my fury cannot be quenched until I have established what was purposed among my sons. my holy land shall be inhabited again, and the holy mountain shall sing a new song. that song my children used to sing before me in the presence of those who were created in vain. o edom, what have you done? Your sins are unpardonable, and, in my vengeance, I shall make your mountains desolate. mount seir cannot recognize you. your heart was proud. did you think I have forgotten my son jacob? do you think I am not zealous for my people? like a woman who has lost her children to the beast of the earth, i shall redeem chaka. i cannot wait for my servant zadok to minister in my presence and offer me the fattened bull as a daily sacrifice. you said in your hearts, ‘we shall destroy the people of yahowa in their land’ yet in this land I shall cause them to flourish, in great britain. you killed my servants and sold the boy for a piece of pork on your table. then you dined in abomination before my holy ones and bruised their heads. did you not willingly sell your birthright to jacob?” thus yahowa has spoken.

“no one shares the glory of him who is from the ancient of days and has appointed the stars in its place to give the darkness its glory. the sun is placed in its horizon and does not fall out of its place. leviathan, that old serpent head shall be bruised in the next few times. i have commanded the hails for war. all the nations that are around kubala are now being destroyed in my vengeance. look at france, how in my fury its mountains are wailing. The waters caused them to be weary and no one can save them.  I sent out fire from the heavens to destroy Hawaii, and what did they say? for 60 years, that land shall remain desolate for i have caused it.” says yahowa.

“the time of my vengeance has come. Woe, woe, woe to the land. the rich boasts when they buy bunkers thinking they shall be saved. on that day, the earth shall vomit them out for my slaughter. the birds and the beasts shall chase them out of their hidings, and no one shall escape my judgement. o house of edom, your bunkers shall be as nothing when I cause my fire from the earth to cover you. You shall roast in your bunkers until there is no air to breathe or water to drink. Then you shall know that I am yahowah the creator of the heavens and the earth.”

“your children shall be dashed into pieces and those who shall survive my fury shall go into captivity just as you did to my children, chaka, chaniya, charo, fadzai, kunashe, shingai and nakai. this time, no one shall be able to save you from the hands of judah when he returns on my holy mountains.”

“the wilderness shall grow grass and trees again, and I shall cause my fountain to give water to those who have returned from captivity and those who I have awakened as I promised ezekiel. then all nations shall know that I am the lord who allowed my children to go into captivity when the edomites and the catholics invaded my holy land. This day has come and I will not rest until the return of chaka.” Thus says yahowa, the holy one of kubala. 

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