lady safi of kubala
no word of the king and queen of the northern kingdom of kubala does not come to pass. when they proclaim judgement on their enemies, fire goes out of their mouth and consumes their foes, as written in revelation 11. for the messiah atehene and his prophetess mary-tamar are but the two witnesses of the creator, during these last days, the end of the world of edom. they are the only true love in this world, and of that to come. for their story is as old as time, going back to the garden of eden, adam and eve. they are the redemption of humanity, in the world to come. therefore atehene is the son of yahowa to reign in the millennium kingdom as the messiah, and mary-tamar is the woman and the dragon , the mother of israel written in revelation 12. even though the beast (social services, nhs, british police) waiteth at the door the devour her child, the child is caught up, and the dragon is angry because he can not devour the child, so he persecutes the rest of her offspring, but the earth helps the woman.
the earth helps the mother of israel |
as the chosen remnant awaits for the unveiling of the kingdom of kubala, as the great apocalypse consumes the world, yes the world is being destroyed before their very eyes, the enemies of yahowa have started drinking the cup of the wrath of yahowa, for it all started with one woman, who dared to blaspheme and defy the throne of yahowa. her name was lady safi, she was the second wife of king atehene. whilst in the bosom of the king , she listened to the world, particularly a pagan people of a cursed nation called zimbabwe, led by a man called "prince norman", a false black hebrew israelite who told lady safi to leave her matrimonial bed and go back to her land of captivity america.
"prince norman" and thousands of zimbabweans instructed lady safi to leave her husband and return to her land of bondage, america |
lady safi hearkened to the words of the cursed zimbabweans, in their thousands, especially the words of "prince norman" and behold the king said unto her, "if you defy the god of kubala, and go back to the land he delivered you from, egypt. you will not live, but you will weep until you die."
"the zimbabweans you are listening to, whom you yourself used to call cursed, whom now you think love you, are leading you to your fall. they know not your journey, or your story, or why you are here, yet you listen to them that you should be the queen, or that you should leave the kingdom." these were the last words of the queen nandi, to lady safi.
indeed the woman lady safi cursed the god of kubala, because she wanted to be the queen of kubala and declared that if that was the case, she would rather die in america, egypt than stay in the kingdom of kubala, where yahowa had given her everything. and truly exactly 6 months of returning to her land of bondage, she became homeless, and was living in the streets of oklohama in winter with nothing but a black blanket, a far cry from the luxury lifestyle she had enjoyed in the northern palace in united kingdom as the second wife of the king.
lady safi had enjoyed a luxury lifestyle in the northern palace |
from a life of eating in the most expensive restaurants of united kingdom, lady safi became homeless in america |
the words of king atehene truly came to pass, she wept in those streets of oklahoma, but it was too late, she could not go back to the kingdom of kubala, she had no home, and on 3 january 2024, behold a car struck her, and threw her to a bus, which finished her, as they could not see her, for it was dark, and she was wrapped in a black blanket. the god of kubala did strike her, just as the messiah had declared, and behold her death was reported all over the news in america, for it was a hiss, unheard of, as people said, "how can one be struck dead by two vehicles?"
lady safi's half sister, tanya gates who goes by the name of "nana" on snapchat, declared a war with the kingdom of kubala, demanding to know "why her sister had died." because just before her death, she had started speaking about the kingdom of kubala and the end coming, and her brother richard shaver and tanya gates sought to have her arrested and committed to a mental health unit, but the police declined to arrest her, hence tanya gates became angry with the kingdom of kubala, and demanded to know "why her sister died" cursing the king and queen of the north.
lady safi's half sister tanya gates demanding answers from kubala kingdom about the death of lady safi
fox news and oklahoma city news reported that no charges were to be brought to the drivers of the car and the bus that struck lady safi, for she was covered in a black blanket, and was not seen, and walked into oncoming vehicles, the police said her death was but a warning to people of america to use a crosswalk. that is what happens to anyone who comes in the kingdom of kubala, and defiles the god of creation.
indeed the zimbabwean community were in shock over the sudden death of lady safi.
the uncle of lady safi, wrote on tiktok that lady safi had died running away from king atahene, and he was demanding answers from the public, claiming his niece had joined the "cult" as he called it, of kubala kingdom, and was struck by the vehicles whilst fleeing from king atehene.
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safi's uncle claimed king atehene had played a part in safi's death |
lady safi's uncle also claimed that king atehene and queen nandi had taken safi's baby. the step mother of lady safi, who is divorced from her father, an edomite woman called brandy croom put her nose in the story and made calls to british authorities, demanding for her "grandchild" leading to british police going on a hunt for the child.
british police, (beast system) sought the king and queen of kubala in connection with lady safi's baby |
meanwhile back in the united kingdom, the prophetess mary-tamar, the mother of israel had declared death on the baby of the man "prince norman" for leading zimbabweans in telling lady safi to return to her land of bondage egypt and leave her husband. the prophetess also declared the death of the baby of "prince norman" for thanking british social services for abducting the crown prince of kubala, chaka. therefore judgement was passed. for he was told by the prophetess mary-tamar, back in may 2023 that "before the year 2023 ends, you will mourn your own baby."

and truly his doomed baby died on 14 december 2023, as the prophetess had declared, where "prince norman" and his wife and and all their children mysteriously fell asleep for hours, only waking up to find out that their doomed baby had become unresponsive and fallen. that was the day the baby died, it became brain dead. "prince norman" and his wife were then arrested by the police, for they could not explain what had happened to the doomed child. the beast system "nhs" kept the brain dead baby alive by a machine, and gave them 2 weeks to switch off the life support, for they could see the baby was already dead. the life support was switched off on 11 january 2024, 8 days after lady safi was struck by yahowa in oklohama.
for the god of creation, the god of kubala wanted to make an example of lady safi, that anyone who curses the two witnesses will not escape the wrath of yahowa, and those who partake in mocking and cursing the two witnesses, like "prince norman" will also not escape the wrath of yahowa.
that is indeed the story of the rise and fall of lady safi of kubala, which is detailed as a short story in this sacred book "the rise and fall of lady safi of kubala."
the book will detail the childhood of lady safi, her departure from egypt, america, her journey to the northern kingdom, and what went on in the sacred northern palace of kubala, how she was as the second wife of the messiah and her sudden demise on 3 january 2024 at the word of the king. the book will also include the mystery surrounding the baby of lady safi.
the book will also include the judgements of those who have cursed the two witnesses, who will face and/ or are currently facing the same fate of lady safi...
These are the names of those who have been served judgement from the kingdom of kubala...
rumbi bvunza "the so called immigration lawyer of zimbabweans in uk who works with the beast system"
"kerina" the so called comrade sister, a single mother without a husband who posts recklessly on facebook and constantly attacks the prophetess.
"prince norman" the false black hebrew israelite who is leading the few followers he has to hades, with his false doctrines. the book will have a segment in detail of how his baby died and the events surrounding the death as declared by the prophetess, including his arrest over the baby's death.
"adam jahman" the edomite who went on a rampage to attack the messiah and prophetess, calling them "cult leaders" thinking he can use his white skin to attack the two witnesses.
"zuwa re" the so called zimbabwean clothes designer, even though her poorly designed clothing are nothing but satanic vessels. she is now a divorcee. she has received judgement for constantly attacking the two witnesses on facebook.
"ruth marimo" an atheist zimbabwean lesbian living in america whose mother killed herself and left her an orphan. she has constantly attacked the two witnesses and thanked british social services for abducting the 7 lampstands of the kubala kingdom.
"prophetess kerry-ann" a false prophetess who is an adulteress, and is leading many lost woke black hebrew israelites to hades.
"masimba" a failed aspiring zimbabwean writer asylum seeker residing in middlesbrough united kingdom, he has always declared war on the messiah atehene and his prophetess unprovoked, and also sacrifices black children to the beast system in his office as a butler of freemasonry.
"laraine palmer" an edomite living in australia who hates the king and queen of the north and does a lot of undercover work on facegroup white supremist groups, telling edomites that atehene and mary-tamar are a threat to the so called british monarchy and system.
there will be a total of 12 judgements included in the book, of 12 known individuals on social media, so the world will indeed know that the two witnesses have been given power to proclaim judgement on their enemies. the 12 judgements are the desert of the book, with the main meal being the story of lady safi.
the book is not digital, it can not be read on the internet, it is a sacred parchment, therefore it can only be purchased by those chosen to hold this sacred parchment in their hands. this is not just a book, it is prophecy, it is apocalyptic, and it tells the past, present, and future of the northern kingdom of kubala, which is the 1000 millennium reign spoken of in the book of revelation, as it marks the grand entrance of the two witnesses and the judgements of deaths starting with lady safi. then the death of the baby of "prince norman" as proclaimed boldly by the two witnesses, the king and queen of the north.
the book will also include a picture of a sacred painting by lady safi, of herself in the northern kingdom, looking up. the painting hangs today on the walls of the northern palace as a reminder of the legend of safi.
"the rise and fall of lady safi of kubala" the book is now available to pre order. each copy is £120. there are limited copies of this sacred book, which will be received on 1 april 2024, marking the new hebrew year of 2024. there are only but 20 copies of the sacred book, which represents the years lady safi lived on earth.
to preorder your copy, write to kubalailizwe@gmail.com, include your reasons for wanting to hold this sacred book in your hands, why you want to know about the story of lady safi, her rise and fall, and the 12 judgements that follow. once your reasons are approved, you will be able to purchase the book, and be counted among the 20 chosen people in this world who will hold this book in their hands...
only twenty people will qualify to enter the world of lady safi of kubala, and know in detail of her rise and fall |
those who are considered worthy to have a copy of the book will receive a copy of a painting by lady safi, titled "safi in the northern kingdom" and will be given instructions on how and when to read the scared parchment, for example, women can not touch the book whilst on their periods, and no one can take pictures of the book and post its contents on the internet before the internet shuts down soon. as the end of esau civilization draws to a close, those who will survive the imminent apocalypse and living in the dystopian world outside the northern kingdom of kubala will seek for this book with their blood, however the twenty people who will hold this book will refuse to sell it...
it is indeed "the rise and fall of lady safi of kubala" the book.
kubala kubala ilizwe