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the feet is edomites civilization |
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goodbye to edom 2 esdras 6:9 |
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ezekiel 39 |
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the feet is edomites civilization |
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goodbye to edom 2 esdras 6:9 |
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ezekiel 39 |
behold the angel of destruction has commanded the earth to cease bearing fruits, the trees are setting themselves on fire and the grasses are waging war against the edomites and the enemies of yahowah. there shall be a great famine in these nations; america, italy, china, france, uk and russia. the chosen remnant in these nations shall have food to eat while the rest of the people shall die of hunger.
the royalty of edom shall beg for food and shelter. all their palaces shall be destroyed and their nakedness shall be seen by many nations. their wealth shall be plundered and their pride shall wear off like a chaff in a stormy wind. who shall save you o house of edom?
for darkness is upon the earth and the vengeance of yahowah is upon his enemies for the sins they have done against the tribes of kubala.
kubala kubala ilizwe
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the tribe of kubala |
the kingdom of yahowah the creator is not the kingdom of his son yesu kristo. there have been confusion among gentiles who seek to understand the sacred teachings of the hebrews. the kingdom of yahowah is the kingdom of kubala which is being established in the new earth. the kingdom of kubala is the millennium kingdom of yahowah. the kingdom of yahowah shall be witnessed by only the living and the righteous dead ancestors who shall be resurrected by the angels. the building of the walls of the kingdom begins after the 7year tribulation of the people outside the great gathering. the measurements of the holy temple and the structure of the city were given to ezekiel the prophet and atehene, the king.
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king atehene of kubala |
the kingdom of yesu kristo is the kingdom of heaven which yesu has prepared for the chosen saints in kubala and the grafted gentiles. this kingdom of heaven by yesu kristo is different from the 7 heavens which were created by yahowah. so there shall be 8 heavens after the end of the millennium kingdom.
the kingdom of yesu kristo shall be witnessed by all people from the time of creation. these are both the evil and the good. all eyes shall witness the new jerusalem and yesu kristo from the skies. this major event is after the 1000years of the reign of atehene in the kingdom of kubala.
there shall be the second armageddon after the millennium kingdom where the antichrist, false prophet and satan shall wage war against the kingdom of kubala. during this war, the holy temple shall be ceased by the antichrist and the two witnesses shall be killed. the two witnesses are the king atehene and queen nandi of kubala as they finish their mission after 1260years (a day is a 1000years).
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tribes of kubala |
the world awaits for the gathering of the chosen remnant of kubala and the establishment of the 3rd temple of yahowah. the kingdom of yahowah has come. rejoice all nations for the vengeance of yahowah is upon the earth.
kubala kubala ilizwe
happy sabbath from kubala
after the king and queen of kubala were arrested and charged with almost 20 counts of child abduction and issuing death threats to foster carers back on 30 october 2023 and released on bail, their trial was heard on 10 january 2024 before peterlee magistrate court. a heavily pregnant prophetess mary-tamar along with her lord husband, atehene the messiah appeared before the courts dressed in sackcloth robes.
nakai, the king and queen's eldest daughter who had been arrested and bailed for abducting her own siblings was not required to attend the trial.
the social services and the prosecution sought to have both the king and queen of kubala serve jail time for abducting their children and threatening foster cares with death, causing unimaginable fear and distress to the foster carers.
one of the foster cares, delia cox, refused to give evidence as she was too distressed to testify. the second foster carer ine duprez appeared fearful and distressed as she gave evidence through video link in court. she described to the court that since the october 29 incident where prophetess mary-tamar born jean fadzai gasho and king atehene born kofi offe, along with their three children nakai, kunashe and shingi stormed her property in bishop auckland and caused havoc in the neighborhood, she now lived in constant fear of her life and that of her biological children. the foster carer narrated to the court how all the neighbours looked through their windows as prophetess mary-tamar and king atehene performed rituals outside her home. liquid substance was poured on the house as neighbours watched in shock and started calling the police. a scroll with red ink and feathers was then posted through the foster carer's letter box. ine described to the court how the scroll proclaimed judgement on her and her children for racially abusing the children of atehene and mary-tamar, 6 year old charo and 9 year old fadzai. ine duprez described how the whole neighbourhood was left in fear, and how the police arrived too late on the scene as the family had already gone. after this incident a day later, the king and queen of kubala were arrested for issuing death threats and child abduction.
the third witness to the case, foster carer francis cox appeared before the court via video link and expressed how his wife was beyond shaken by what had happened. francis cox narrated to the court how prophetess mary-tamar and king atehene attended his property in stanley on monday 30 october and gave a scroll to their son 15 year old son kunashe who then dropped the scroll on the door. francis cox described throwing the scroll away that was covered in what appeared to be red blood and feathers as "he did not want anything to do with it." he described the king and queen of kubala as nothing but "clowns" who behaved like children in a school play. he called them, laughable, pathetic and ridiculous and told the court he refused to be afraid of them.
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foster carer ine duprez narrated to the court how she now lived in fear after prophetess mary-tamar did rituals outside her house pouring a liquid substance |
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prophetess mary-tamar posting a judgement scroll through foster carer's door |
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the prophetess giving her son kunashe a judgement scroll |
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atehene and his prophetess seen performing rituals outside foster carer's home |
in the second half of the trial at peterlee magistrate court, king atehene gave evidence where he introduced himself as the messiah and king of the kingdom of kubala. he told the court that he was a prophet, and his mandate was to issue judgement of his god yahowa to the enemies of yahowa. king atehene narrated how his children had been cruelly stolen from him by the british system, and that the words on the scroll where not his own, but direct words of the god of creation yahowa. king atehene denied all nine charges, including kidnapping his own children.
after her husband had given evidence, a heavily pregnant prophetess mary-tamar took to stand to give evidence. she described herself as the queen of the north and mother of chaka. the judge did ask the prophetess to sit and she was offered water because of her condition.
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queen nandi, the mother of chaka gave evidence in court of how her children had been stolen by durham social services claiming her god yahowa will deal with those who have wronged her |
the prophetess was asked by the court how many children she had with atehene, of which she told the court that she was 7 months pregnant with the messiah's child, her 8th child and all her 7 children were atehene's children as he was the only father they have ever known. the prophetess was asked to narrate to the court how foster carer ine duprez had treated her daughter charo.
the prophetess narrated how racist foster carer ine had cut charo's locks, which was the identity of her little girl. she described how atheist edomite satanic foster carer ine had constantly told charo that there was no god, when charo was a very spiritual child who loved to pray and worship her god yahowa. she narrated how her children had been abducted by social services, and described to the court that she was not the child abductor, the system was.
the prosecution interrogated the heavily pregnant mary-tamar, telling her that nothing excused the child abduction and telling the foster carer that "she will die" and performing rituals outside her house.
the prosecution argued that mary-tamar was very british as she has lived in the united kingdom for over 23 years. they argued that she knew her actions would cause anxiety and fear on the foster carers and she should not hide behind being a "prophetess of god." the prophetess was told by the prosecution that the foster carer now lived in constant fear of their lives and felt cursed.
the trial came to an end, and the god of kubala prevailed. the prosecution/local authorities/social services failed to provide any evidence that the king and queen of kubala abducted their own children.
the king and queen of kubala were found not guilty of child abduction.
the king of the north atehene was cleared of all nine charges.
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king atehene, the messiah was cleared of all charges of child abduction and death threats |
the prophetess, queen nandi was cleared of child abduction and convicted of 3 counts of causing distress and fear through the letters she sent and issuing death threats to foster carers. the judge said there was enough evidence on camera of the prophetess telling distressed "victims" that they were going to die. she was fined £180.
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heavily pregnant queen nandi convicted of causing foster carers fear |
the prophetess was fined for causing fear and distress to foster carers through judgment scrolls/parchments.
the lawyer of the prophetess argued that "jean gasho" did not claim any benefits or public funds, she was heavily pregnant and did not work so she was unable to pay the money. the lawyer said the prophetess lived off her husband, who did not also claim benefits or public funds but works as an opera singer and lives off money from his god in the ministry of a preacher. the lawyer asked the court to consider that king atehene could only make a payment of £20 a month.
the judge then ordered the fine to be paid by king atehene, in the form of £20 a month which the prosecution saw as a complete joke.
it was the greatest victory for the king and queen of kubala, as they walked free from court smiling and holding hands.
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victory for the kingdom of kubala, atehene and his heavily pregnant queen walked free from court |
durham social services were left very angry that indeed the two witnesses walked free. for yahowa says in revelation 11, "and i will appoint my two witnesses and give power unto them, and they shall prophesy for 1,260 days, clothes in sackcloth.
That is the god of kubala yahowa, for he has given power to his two witnesses, and they shall utter words to their enemies, and cause heavy fear, and fire will continue to proceed from their mouths.
kubala kubala ilizwe.
“there is no rise of the antichrist now until the end of the millennium kingdom of kubala. the seed of the antichrist is among men today but he shall be fully revealed getting to the end of the 1000years reign of the kingdom of kubala. all the people who shall miss the great gathering of the 12 tribes of kubala would not see the antichrist because they would be dead and gone…
the actual person to be the antichrist of the end of the millennium kingdom is not born but his bloodline exists. before the end of the millennium kingdom of kubala, the antichrist shall invade the holy temple in the highlands of scotland and cease it for 42 months. he shall be supported by the false prophet and satan who will be released from abyss before the second armageddon.
so stop looking around for the antichrist when you are witnessing the end of edomites civilization for the beginning of the 12 tribes of kubala. stop looking for signs of the end of days in the middle east for you are already witnessing the new earth and heavens by yahowah.
have this sacred understanding and flee from deception.
kubala kubala ilizwe
your king
“my people in suriname, hear this truth which has been hidden from you since the time your ancestors fled their own land after the invasion of the assyrians/edomites. this truth has been the greatest secret kept by the rothschild and the royal house of esau.
people of suriname, you are the tribe of judah/ouidah/whydah/yuda and you are the natives of great britain. great britain is the land of covenant given by yahowah, the god of the hebrews to your ancestors after they fled from america/egypt.
because of the sins of your forefathers, yahowah departed from your ancestors and some were killed, enslaved and deported from great britain. the suriname maroons of the tribe of judah decided to travel to a land far away where no one settled in order to practice their spirituality and the worship of their god. your ancestors believed that, if they returned to innocence and called on yahowah, maybe their god would forgive them and return their pride.
the curse is now broken, the yoke on your necks has fallen after 400years in the wilderness. yahowah with his mighty right hand is bringing you back in the land you used to own and no one shall make you afraid. yahowah shall wipe away your tears and establish you on his holy mountains in kubala. you shall be given a new body, hair and together with the rest of the tribes, you shall establish yahowah’s temple again.
fear not, the time of the gathering of the saints and the exodus has come. now go, purify yourselves in the river, make a fast for 7 days and go before yahowah.
see you soon.
kubala kubala ilizwe
your king
the 1st armageddon is basically a war between all nations military forces against the creator yahowah in the scottish highlands. the first armageddon would not include the antichrist, false prophet and satan but rather gog and his armies from china, russia, africa, america, europe etc against the kingdom of kubala.
the wars you have been hearing is just a confusion among the nations but all of them will come together to prepare a great war against the 12 tribes of kubala after the gathering. gog and his armies shall come with several weapons and armors to fight against a peaceful people but we shall be saved by yahowah.
all the armies or soldiers shall be killed in the scottish highlands by the fattened sword of yahowah, hailstorms, earthquake, firestorms, beasts of the field, and thunderstorms. yahowah shall roar from the highlands and many people outside the kingdom of kubala shall die. two thirds of the world’s population shall perish during this great tribulation and all nations will bow before the kingdom of kubala.
after this first armageddon is the beginning of reign of the 12 tribes of kubala for 1000years and forever. this shall be a great victory for the god of kubala and all nations shall fear the name of yahowah and his chosen remnant; tribes of kubala
kubala kubala ilizwe
the ashanti tribe of ghana are of the 12 tribes of kubala and they used to live in the southern kingdom of great britain. they were destroyed before the destruction of the northern kingdom. the ashantis and the jamaicans are one people from different tribes.
the great exodus is here and the chosen remnant from all the 12 tribes are returning to the kingdom of kubala.
kubala kubala ilizwe
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the destruction of the native black scottish people |
the people in jamaica today used to live in the highlands of scotland until the 1600s when they were defeated by the edomites invaders. jamaicans are the true scottish people and they are part of the 12 tribes of kubala.
the jamaicans were enslaved and deported to an island owned by the rothschild and elizabeth i in the caribbeans. the war of culloden or cuir lodair was between the 10 tribes in the highlands and the edomite/catholic invaders. prior to the reign of elizabeth i, all the royal families and the people in great britain were black. these black people are known today as the moors, moros, cimarron tudors, blackamoors, etc.
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a true scottish man |
all jamaicans have scottish clans names because their ancestors were the true clans of scotland. clans were the breakdown families of the 12 tribes. for example, tribe of yuda will have several clans within it. this history has been hidden for 400 years but your messiah has come to reveal all what is hidden by the edomites.
now listen all jamaicans, the time has come for the return of the chosen remnant from your land back to the highlands after 400years. throw away all the false history you have been told by your oppressors and return home.
this is the great gathering, the rebirth of kubala and you shall inherit the kingdom of yahowah promised to your ancestors. wipe away your tears, your salvation has come.
see you soon on the holy mountains.
your king
kubala kubala ilizwe
in a shocking turn of events, on the 30 th of october 2023, at seaham beach, the whole seaside town came to a standstill as more than 10 pol...