Wednesday, November 29, 2023

youtube to shut down


on this day, yahowah the god of kubala shall be closing down youtube company. their name shall be forgotten and all their buildings shall be destroyed.

prophetic message of yahowah to his messiah atehene

netflix to shut down


“on this day, netflix shall be closing down completely and that shall be the end of that empire of edom.

say to them that, yahowah the creator of the heavens and earth shall destroy all their buildings and they shall be remembered no more.

words sealed among the gods” saith the messiah atehene 

kubala kubala ilizwe 

letter to the people of africa


letter to the land of ethiopia-eden 

“darkness has fallen, all of you shall die.

darkness has fallen and all of you shall perish for the day of yahowah, the creator of the heavens and earth has come.

o sons of amon, sons of cush, sons of put, sons of moab, prepare, for the fury of yahowah is upon your land. the mighty slayer is within your midst and he shall spare no one. both your children and women shall be slaughtered before your very eyes. 

you have defiled my land which i hide my treasures with swine blood and offered sacrifices to your idols which have no power to save. you poured libations and burnt incense to my creation instead of to me the creator of the heavens and the earth. for your iniquities, i shall cause my plague on your land.

now, there shall be a great famine, one which has never been seen since the beginning of time. mothers shall eat their babies and their neighbor’s babies on the next day.

your husbands shall prepare for a war of no return which i the lord god of kubala has caused them. all the men of war shall be killed in the valley of my holy mountains in the highlands of kubala. 

the virgins of africa shall be taken into a land far north where they shall serve a new nation who has settled safely in my holy land. the children below twenty years shall be plundered and shall be slaves in kubala kingdom. they shall work on my holy land and build my city again after i have destroyed all their buildings and the strangers who dwelled in it.

the plague shall also come upon your camels, donkeys, ewes and asses. your livestock shall be used to fatten my sword which comes from bozrah.

now listen, one king shall rule over you from kubala. you shall bow before atehene and observe his statutes which shall come from kubala. you shall bring tributes of gold and silver from ethiopia to the building of my holy temple in the mountains of kubala.

on that day, you shall offer burnt and atonement sacrifices which my priests from kubala shall teach you. you shall build for me synagogues in all your towns, cities and all must observe my sabbath and feasts.

all your firstborns shall be dedicated to me your lord god of kubala. they shall serve me right when they are weaned from the breast. each year, you shall go to the holy city of kubala to observe the feast of tabernacles. any family who do not go to kubala to honor my holy feast shall not eat. if one sins against me, i shall judge them in my fury but if one sins against his or her neighbors, judgement shall come from king atehene and his judges. 

for this is the new earth, heavens which i have created and my law must be observed by all nations and people who shall survive my great tribulation. 

now, sons of cush, put and ethiopia prepare for the battle of no return where i the lord shall judge you in my vengeance.”

kubala kubala ilizwe 

“the words of yahowah through his messiah atehene to the people of africa written on this day”

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

great britain pork taboo

 it is forbidden for one to slaughter a swine on the grounds of kubala, great britain. it is an abomination for one to eat the flesh of a swine in the holy land of kubala . before the 1600s, the native black people of great britain would rather choose death than to profane themselves with swine. 

but after the great invasion of the catholic edomites, they offered the blood of swine as a sacrifice to their gods to defile the holy land of yahowah the creator of the heavens and earth. with a prideful heart, the looted all the holy utensils from scotland which is jerusalem and murdered the priests in durham cathedral.

today, in all shops, restaurants and homes, there is swine flesh and blood everywhere but something is about to happen in kubala great britain 

the fury of yahowah is upon the land and all swine eaters shall be destroyed. the great plague shall kill all swine consumers in the holy land. 

let those with ears, hear 

kubala kubala ilizwe 

“prophetic words from atehene the messiah written on this day”

the word from the messiah to british singer michael owuo jr


ebenezer kwadjo jr

“i called you when you were inside your mother’s womb. i gave you a name before you were born. you saw me in your dreams, visions and you made to me a promise. i moved you into a place where you felt alone yet it was my plan to birth you in my holiness.

now you shall listen to the words from my chosen servant atehene whom i have sent unto you and perform it….”

should anyone know michael owuo jr, tell him that the messiah has an important message for him before it is late. he must write to king atehene as soon as possible. when the fire starts burning, he shall know where to fetch the well.

kubala kubala ilizwe 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

bunkers can’t save you on doomsday

the titanic is sinking, can’t you see?
the nations are crumbling down by the vengeance of the creator, can’t you see?
there is a great storm roaring unto the land, can’t you hear?
somehow many are still living in complacency and those who understand the time which we are in are buying bunkers for the dreadful day.

this has nothing to do with religion or science but spirituality on which the foundation of the earth and the heavens were built upon. no one shall escape the great day of yahowah. 

those who think they shall escape the great apocalypse by going into hiding in bunkers, you are trapping yourself within the mouth of the earth. you shall be vomited out of your hidings and you shall face the great tribulation for 7 years.

city of gold kubala 

indeed, the titanic is sinking and only a remnant of the chosen black hebrews shall be saved during this great day of yahowah! these chosen ones are being gathered by the creator and they shall return to great britain; the holy land.
the daughters of kubala 

kubala kubala ilizwe 

Monday, November 20, 2023

the return of the true 12 tribes of kubala and the levites after 400 years


the kingdom of kubala is the new world of power back to the chosen black hebrew israelites. some may refer kubala as the millenium kingdom which is ruled by king atehene the messiah along with his 12 elders and the 24 government. the great power transition back to the chosen hebrew israelites is what the world has been witnessing since 2020. this period of apocalypse is a result of the creator yahowah making a new earth and a new heavens for his chosen remnant and the grafted gentiles. the chosen hebrew israelites along with the grafted gentiles shall settle peacefully in the scottish highlands where mount sion is located and no one shall make them afraid. 

the land called israel in the middle east is fake...

"the fall of esau's civilization is the end of the world, jacob's world is what follows" 2 esdras 6:9

today, many religious groups and writers claim that there is no esau or edomites but that is untrue. they are trying to hide who esau is because of the curse and judgement which is upon him. 

for over 400 years, the seed of esau has destroyed the true tribe of jacob by scattering them across the 4 corners of the world. some of the hebrew israelites settled on the king solomon island, papua guinea, and guyana. the seed of the levite priests have been preserved among a people who have been undefiled by any other foreign blood and the seed of david was hidden among the ashanti tribe of ghana.

in a few time, yahowah the creator of the heavens and earth shall gather all the chosen ones from nations like ghana, mali, cote divoire, nigeria, morocco, jamaica, brazil, guyana, solomons island, papua guinea, trinidad, haiti, north america, america and they shall inherit the land of kubala which was promised to their forefathers.

after the gathering of the saints in the highlands, there shall be the great armageddon which shall bring victory to the kingdom of kubala. all nations shall witness the destruction of russia, nato, edomites, africans soldiers and other nations who shall march to the valley of jehoshaphat in scotland. ref ezekiel 39

the time has come. kubala kubala, ilizwe

ref; ezekiel 36.
“‘my servant atehene will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd. they will follow my laws and be careful to keep my decrees. they will live in the land I gave to my servant jacob; great britain, the land where your ancestors lived until the 1600s. they and their children and their children’s children will live there forever, and atehene my servant will be their prince forever. i will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant. i will establish them and increase their numbers, and i will put my sanctuary the 3rd temple among them forever. my dwelling place will be with them; i will be their god, and they will be my people. then the nations will know that i the Lord make kubala holy, when my sanctuary is among them forever.’”

Sunday, November 19, 2023

the messiah atehene has come

the lord god yahowah has sent me to give his judgement to his enemies, be a light to the gentiles, heal the sick, raise the dead and bring the remnant of the tribe of kubala back to the land we used to own; great britain 

i am atehene, the messiah 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

the two witnesses have come, let all nations rejoice

read these words with understanding

revelation 11

 i yohanni was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “go and measure the temple of yahowah and the altar which you shall resurrect on earth during the reign of atehene, with its worshipers, my chosen remnant who have been gathered from the 4 corners of the earth.

but exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the grafted gentiles and strangers. the strangers from canaan, cush, put, egypt, assyria and edom must not come inside my holy temple.

that son of perdition will trample on the holy city of kubala for 42 months after the 1000year reign of king atehene. that will be the time the old serpent shall be unchained from abyss.

and I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” did i not tell you that elijah has already come during the time of my son yesu kristo? My two witnesses are atehene the messiah and prophetess mary-tamar. they are the two olive trees through them all gentiles must be saved. no one shall come to my kingdom except through them.

if the beast tries to harm them, the word from their mouth shall devours their enemies. this is how anyone who wants to harm them must be killed during the time of judgement. 

they have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want. they are the ones who triggered the apocalypse of the world. See how I am making an utter destruction of the earth today.

now when they have finished their testimony after the 1260 years, the beast that comes up from the abyss will attack them with the son of perdition and overpower and kill them. their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also yesu kristo was crucified. for three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. the inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets atehene and mary-tamar had tormented those who live on the earth.

but after the three and a half days the breath of life from yahowah entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “come up here.” and they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

at that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the god of kubala; yahowah


the second woe has passed; the third woe is coming soon.

the seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:

“the kingdom of the world has become
    the kingdom of our yahowah and of his messiah atehene,
    and atehene will reign for ever and ever in the kingdom of kubala.

and the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before yahowah, fell on their faces and worshiped yahowah, saying:

“we give thanks to you, lord god almighty of kubala,
    the one who is and who was,
because you have taken your great power from all the kingdoms of the earth as seen by nebuchadnezzar and established your stone as the kingdom of david on earth.
    and have begun to reign through atehene.
the nations were angry,
    and your wrath has come.
the time has come for judging the dead,
    and for rewarding your servants the prophets
and your people the black israelites who revere your name,
    both great and small—
and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”

Then yahowah’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant, a new covenant with the house of yakob. and there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm upon the earth.


let those with eyes see, let those with ears, hear.


kubala kubala ilizwe

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

there is no heaven for those who are waiting for its coming

the concept of heaven or the kingdom of yahowah has been the most misunderstood parable in the bible; a sacred book which contains prophecy and the history of the black hebrew israelites. groups, organizations and individuals have adopted the teachings presented to them by the catholics without seeking the truth for themselves. by the way, the scriptures recorded in the bible were written only for the chosen black hebrew israelites to understand. the scriptures were not written for the edomites and the assyrians to understand its mystery or parables so all religions formed today, which stems from the bible are false. non of these churches or groups have truth in them and they shall all be destroyed in a time.

now in order to understand the concept of the kingdom, these are the questions one need to ask himself or herself;

the prophets and the patriarchs of the old testament spoke about a kingdom to come. did isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel, obadiah, zephaniah and the rest spoke about the kingdom of heaven or a kingdom on earth?

"he will be great and will be called the son of the most high. yahowah will give him the throne of his father david, and he will reign over jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” luke 1:32-33. according to this scripture, there is a mention of the 'throne of david' which is on earth not in the heavens. the black descendants of jacob are the 12 tribes who are currently scattered around the world today and that earthly kingdom will never end. the question is, where did the concept of heaven begin?

yesu kristo also said to them, “truly I tell you, after the end of the old world, when the son of man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel with him. matthew 19:28
according to this scripture, yesu kristo mentioned another king who he called as the son of man and urged the disciples to be strong until the new world comes.
the new world according to 2 esdras 6:9 is the end of white civilization. 

the ruler of the new world is atehene, the king of kubala and his throne on earth shall be forever.

john wrote in revelation 12:5 about a ruler of a kingdom as the male child of the black woman called mary magdalene. mary magdalene bore the son of yesu kristo and the seed is the holy grail 
"She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter from the kingdom of kubala."

"to the one(atehene) who is victorious and does my will to the end, i(yesu kristo) will give authority over the nation(kubala/old israel)that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery just as i(yesu kristo) have received authority from my Father(yahowah). i(yesu kristo) will also give that one(atehene) the morning star" rev 2:26.

so to those who are waiting for a heaven before or after the great tribulation, where do you go? none of the prophets or the old testaments mentioned heaven. what temple is ezekiel supposed to help build in the kingdom? is that temple going to be built on earth or in heaven?

the ruler of the new world is atehene, the king of kubala and his throne on earth shall be forever....

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

charles of the royal house of esau is an imposter

united kingdom used to be called united kingdom of israel and the native people were a kind of black people who were known as the 12 tribe of israel from their hebrew ancestors. these black people ruled great britain until the invasion of the royal house of windsor, catholics or rather edomites. the true of the land of great britain has  been hidden for 400 years and the native black people are currently scattered around the 4 corners of the earth.

after the catholics invasion of the land of great britain, there was an urgent need to recreate a fake holy land somewhere around the world and they chose the middle east. the rothschild and elizabeth of the royal house of esau created the fake 'holy' land in the middle east and called it israel. acts 29 was even removed from the bible because paul mentioned that great britain is the land of israel.

royalties like nan bullen or anne boleyn, mary queen of scots, and catherine of aregon were all black queens but their story and paintings today have been whitewashed. the history of these black queens are all rewritten to support the white invaders narrative. "the one who narrates history is the one with the power"

by the way, elizabeth the first was white and she was an imposter. her reign was the beginning of white civilisation which has only lasted for 400 years. in the 1600s, elizabeth the first deported several black natives of scotland to jamaica, haiti, trinidad, guyana, north america, brazil etc. there was a mass deportation and enslavement of the blackamoors of great britain. some who escaped the torture also travelled to west africa through spain, morrocco and this includes the akan tribe of ghana, igbo of nigeria, several in ivory coast and mali.

catherine of aregon

catherine was born in spain to a moorish/black royal family, princess of wales. born on 16 december 1485. she was born during the time the black moors of spain were ruling according to true history. a moor or moro is a term used to describe the black natives of europe during the time.

catherine married henry from the royal house of tudor. the tudors or the cimarron tudors were all black. some historians call them africans but that is untrue. not all black people are africans although the first man originated from africa. africans were known during the hebrews civilization as ethiopians. for example, moses(hebrew) married ziporrah(ethiopian).

nan bullen/anne boleyn

nan bullen's images and paintings were destroyed by the edomites so that they could easily replace her daughter elizabeth i. there was a law of a death sentence if anyone was found to have the true image or paintings of anne boleyn. this was the beginning of the great replacement of the royal bloodlines of great britain as images were whitewashed.

whitewashing of the black hebrews' history has been going on during the elizabethan england.

charles of the royal house of edom

charles is of the bloodline of elizabeth I the imposter and his reign is over. he is just riding on a dead camel. the power of edom has left them since 2020 and the law of great britain is invalid since the crown head is fake. 

2 esdras 6:9 "the end of elizabethan england is the end of the world, royal house of kubala is what follows."

according to the prophecy given to the black hebrew israelites of great britain, the creator yahowah shall bring them back to their own land after 400 years in captivity. 400 years is over and the world is experiencing the great transition of power back to the black hebrew israelites. for all nations who plundered the land of great britain are being destroyed by the vengeance of yahowah. edomites living in great britain shall be slayed by the sword which comes from bozrah by the creator of the heavens and earth.

judgement, judgement, judgement in the land of kubala....

words of the messiah atehene written by the scribes of kubala.

Monday, November 13, 2023

atehene is the messiah and the ruler not jesus christ

for centuries, there has been the rise and fall of empires, nations, and groups in search for the holy grail. the holy grail is the sacred bloodline which runs through the seed of yesu kristo and mary magdalene. the holy grail is not a literal cup as many perceive but a holy bloodline of the male child of yesu kristo and mary magdalene in great britain. mary magdalene conceived the son of yesu kristo before his time of death. yesu kristo commanded his disciples to protect mary magdalene while he was gone because the dragon was after the seed of the woman. 

mary magdalene was to bear the holy grail who would become the king of the 12 tribes of kubala after the regeneration of the world. on the head of mary magdalene was 12 stars, a representation of the sacred tribes of yahowah. the government were after mary magdalene to destroy the seed in her womb and she fled from great britain to spain. after she hid in spain for a time, she escaped to africa through morocco. the holy grail was born in the wilderness. atehene the holy grail, the messiah the world has been waiting for, the seed of jesse prophesied by all the patriarchs, prophets and yesu kristo.

atehene is the king of the new world after the fall of esau civilization. 'the end of esau civilization is the end of the world and jacob is what follows' 2 esdras 6:9

7 written prophesies about atehene the holy grail according to hebrews history.

1. atehene is from the clan of bethlehem ephrathah, from the tribe of yudah who shall rule all nations from the kingdom of kubala. 

ref micah 5:2

“but you, bethlehem ephrathah,
    though you are small among the clans of judah,
out of you will come for me
    one who will be ruler over kubala,
whose origins are from of old,
    from ancient times.”

2. yahowah appeared to king david, the grandfather of atehene and gave him a promise of his descendant who would establish the 3rd temple.

ref 2 samuel 7:12-16

"when your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and i will establish his kingdom. he is the one who will build a house for my name, and i will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his father, and he will be my son. When he does wrong, I will punish him with a rod wielded by men, with floggings inflicted by human hands. but my love will never be taken away from him, as I took it away from saul, whom I removed from before you. your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.”

the prophesy speaks of a seed of david who shall rise up as fully man not yesu kristo who came from heaven. "i will be his father", yesu kristo is already the son of yahowah before the foundation of the earth. the prophesy is not about king solomon as his temple was destroyed. the seed of david is atehene.

3. the prophet daniel describes atehene's kingdom as the stone which came to crush the feet of nebuchadnezzar's statue which was made up of steel and clay. the stone which became a mountain is the kingdom of kubala.

4. king david composed a song for atehene which as recorded in the book of psalms 72.

5. king atehene and queen nandi's royal wedding is recorded in the book of psalms chapter 45.

queen nandi

6. the prophet isaiah wrote this about atehene;
a shoot will come up from the stump of jesse;
from his roots a branch will bear fruit.
the spirit of the Lord will rest on him—
the spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the spirit of counsel and of might,
the spirit of the knowledge and fear of the yahowah
and he will delight in the fear of the yahowah

7. yesu kristo prophesied about the rise of his son atehene after the end of the world of esau. 

“truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the son of man will sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones with him, judging the twelve tribes of kubala.

in the millennium kingdom of kubala, the son of man atehene shall sit on the throne of jacob with his twelve governments to rule kubala and all nations. this is not heaven but the new earth after the great apocalypse and armageddon which the world is witnessing.

                                                    kubala kubala, ilizwe....

Sunday, November 12, 2023

vegetarians or vegans shall not enter the kingdom of kubala

vegetarians and vegans will not be allowed in the kingdom of yahowah 

who are you to think you are wiser than the creator yahowah? who are you o man that you boast that eating of clean animals is wrong? the madness of this generation has taken a turn where those who think they are worshipping the creator have become a testimony against themselves.

no vegetarian or vegan person shall be saved during the great day of yahowah. in the kingdom of kubala during the millennium reign of atehene, animal sacrifices and feasts shall be re-established. the remnant of the tribes of kubala who shall be gathered in the holy mountains of scotland shall worship yahowah just as the time of the old. the 12 tribes of kubala shall offer burnt sacrifices, atonement sacrifices and observe the feasts like passover and sukkot. during these feasts, all the remnant of kubala and the strangers shall eat roasted lamb.  

one cannot be in the kingdom of kubala and say, he or she doesn’t observe the holy feasts because an animal is killed for a meal. the creator yahowah commands us to observe these feasts yet today there are several people on earth who think yahowah is cruel to his own animals or creation. “the clay tells the potter how to shape it” 

for this reason, all vegetarians and vegans shall perish on the day of yahowah. they have blasphemed the name of yahowah and hates his law and statutes. 

the sacred words of the messiah atehene written on this day.

kubala kubala ilizwe 

the parable of the kingdom of kubala

a black landowner had a beautiful vast and fertile land in his village. he employed his 12 children to plow the land and reap its fruits. the farm owner asked his 12 sons to leave the land to fallow every 7 years and they are to bring one tenth of what ever they harvest to him every 6months. 

the children were excited with the conditions of the land because the land was good. the harvest was always great and they became very wealthy. 

their father travelled from that village and moved into a city expecting the children to continue to look after the land and also send what they had pledged to him. the landowner would send a cargo to the village every 6 month and the cargo returned empty. “there were no harvests” his children would tell the cargo man.

after years of not receiving the harvests from the children, the land owner decided to send his white slaves to go to the village and see what was possibly happening.

the slaves went to village and saw that the land was flowing with milk and honey. they saw the 12 sons of their master on the land harvesting and purported an evil plan to kill their masters’ 12 sons, their families and take ownership of the land. 

the slaves did not return back to their master after they killed all the 12 sons of their master and their wives and children. luckily one of the pregnant wives escaped even though she was stabbed in her leg. this woman gave birth in the wilderness and the male child survived. the woman in pain sent the report to her father in law, the landowner in the city.

the landowner upon hearing the bad news stripped, torn his clothes and wore sackcloth. he gathered his army to avenge the blood of his 12 sons, take back his land and offer it to the last surviving grandson. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

kubala kingdom shall rule all nations

kubala is the new kingdom of power after the fall of all the nations during this great reset the world is experiencing. russia, united kingdom, america, france and all nations are currently being destroyed by yahowah, the god of kubala while those who are complacent are calling the great transition as a result of ‘haarp’ or climate change. esdras told you that, the end of esau or white civilization is the end of the world and kubala is what follows (2 esdras 6:9)

the titanic is sinking yet all pubs are filled up with those who were created in vain. they say in their hearts “let us drink for tomorrow we all die” but this is not the words of the chosen remnant of kubala who shall reign over all nations from the northern kingdom during the reign of atehene.

kubala is the new name given by yahowah for great britain after the day of announcement which the world awaits. kubala is the hidden name given to jacob the father of the 12 tribes of israel. no more shall there be a nation called israel on earth. the middle east israel created by the rothshild and the royal house of edom shall be destroyed by yahowah. the people in the middle east who call themselves jews are being prepared for the great slaughter of yahowah. who is coming from bozrah with a fattened sword? “all their men shall die and the little children shall go into captivity, their wives shall be taken by those stronger than them and that shall be the end of esau.” saith yahowah.

in the kingdom of kubala, the 3rd temple of yahowah shall be rebuilt by king atehene in the scottish highlands where yahowah dwells. for over centuries, many have been deceived to send donations to those people who live in a fake land they call israel but their end has finally come. the fury of yahowah is against those who call themselves jews but from the synagogue of the serpent. 

all nations shall bring tributes to the king of kubala after the 7 year tribulation and armageddon. those nations who shall refuse to bring their tributes will suffer great famine, plagues, death, suffering until they honor their oath to the god of kubala; yahowah. the law shall come from the northern kingdom of kubala and all nations shall abide by the law of yahowah.

for example, no pork shall be eaten in any land. a man who lays with another man like a woman shall be put to death.

holiness and peace shall prevail during the reign of atehene the king of kubala. 

kubala kubala Ilizwe 

PS: yahowah is the true name of the creator of the heavens and the earth not jehovah or yhwh or yah.

Breaking Kubala News

breaking kubala news: messiah atehene and queen nandi along with princess ruvimbo nakai arrested for child abduction

in a shocking turn of events, on the 30 th of october 2023, at seaham beach, the whole seaside town came to a standstill as more than 10 pol...