Tuesday, July 9, 2024

behold the true king and queen of britain, judgement on esau has begun

behold, the true king and queen of kubala (great britain) the land of the jacobites, our ancestors who were massacred at durham cathedral 400 years ago…taken from the scottish highlands, and the painting of the princess hidden at blackwell grange hotel in darlington…for the two witnesses will plead for their spilled blood…
behold, the lion of the tribe of judah, king atehene of the north, and the eagle of napolia, prophetess mary-tamar…queen nandi, the mother of chaka queen nandi, direct descendant of queen of sheba of the south, gadziguru and king tshaka of zululand chief mutota of the mutapa empire…mwenemutapa atehene, nana agyemang, direct descendant of king david, the sweet psalmist of israel, juda of the ashanti empire, the seed and root of jesse…svikiro mambo…the messiah…the one after yahowah's own heart… the time of the interchange has come, time is but an illusion, the end of esau, the beginning of jacob... o, the birthright belongs to the younger brother, yacobo also known as kubala…it is his inheritance…
for charles is not the true king of the land, but atehene is, because this country belongs to jacobites not edomites. 

our family is indeed the true royalty of britain...

kubala the northern kingdom, hence the anger of esau, because he believes the birthright is his, when it was rightfully given to jacob by yahowah…

the knight of kubala and hand of king atehene, john came to fix the door, he put a board on. edomites started shouting at him as he fixed the door, they are angry a good edomite is loyal to jacob. 

john fegan the hand of king atehene, the knight of kubala 

“how do you justify them having the sign which says ‘dashed to pieces’!” the savages of esau screamed at john. 

“does the sign have your name on it, is it on your house? what has it got to do with you?” ever wise john rebuked them. 

john told my lord husband that the edomite children are being paid by the adults to break our door, start a fire and throw rocks. he said we are being talked about in every pub in stockton and middlesbrough and newcastle. he said the edomites are angry that the police are not arresting you, so they are now using their children to do the job for them. 

john fixed the door, and for that we were thankful. 

so I sat in the kitchen, listening to music and thanking yahowah that the door had been fixed.

we did not call the police, because cleveland police have sexually assaulted me, and physically tortured me throughout this pregnancy. they have arrested my lord husband and i almost every month, and right now are so full of hatred for us if we call them we will be arrested immediately. so we are relying only on our god yahowah, mukuru mukuru, the creator, the supreme god, the god of chaka, and chaniya and charo, the god of kunashe and shingai, the god of unborn baby offeh and nakai, the god of fadzai. that is our god, we call on him…

our brothers the asians (Ishmaelites) who have pizza shops downstairs came to comfort my lord husband, they tried their best to stop the edomite children who were being told what to do by their parents, but they couldn’t stop them. they said to my husband, “my brother, they hate us, it is their country and they don’t tolerate us, maybe put the symbols and signs and the banner away for now my brother, they will burn your house at night, your wife is pregnant.” the asians begged my husband.


“i understand what you are saying, but i am not putting away my god and my faith. our symbols are for protection, the banner is a prophecy. you have your allah, you have your symbols, you pray at the mosque, this house is our temple, this house is like the mosque of kubala, the church of yahowah, it is the dwelling place of mukuru, our god. can you tell catholics to take down their carved idols and rosaries? can you tell the christians to take down their crosses from their churches? so why should we take down our symbols and banner because of persecution and violence from edom?” my husband explained to the asians, our neighbors. 

“come and take refuge in the shop brother.” they offered my lord husband shelter. but my lord husband reassured them that he would be fine, he has to guard the house and protect nakai and i and our unborn baby.

as i just sat down to relax after a day of being tortured by edomites, we heard them shouting in the streets. they were angry that door had been fixed. 

the window was smashed, i was siting in the kitchen, the rock did not get through the window. i screamed in terror, but my daughter nakai said “breathe mum, breathe, it’s okay.” my lord husband atehene got me cold water. 

a rock then came through the window, and the glass broke…

“let’s call the police, we have to now, because this is bad,” nakai said in terror. 

“no nakai,” the king said “we did that in seaham, and the police arrested us and abducted the children.” 

“we do not call our enemies for help. we call and wait on yahowah, our redemption is nigh. we are getting to the end of jacob’s  trouble. we are at dawn, it’s almost over. if we call the police, our god will be angry, because it will mean we are trusting our own enemies not our god yahowah.” I told my daughter nakai. 

so as they were throwing rocks on our windows, and cursing us, we lit our minorah and sang kubala songs and prayed. and the peace of yahowah filled the northern kingdom, the house of kubala. by night time, we had an edomite with a dog, releasing his dog at my lord husband who was fixing the door, telling his dog to bite him whilst another edomite threw a rock at the me on the window.


but our god has told us, that it is not my power, nor by might, but by his spirit. chaka and his sisters are coming back from the land of the enemy to their own boarders. kunashe and shingi will be released from captivity, the house arrest they are under, and will come back to their own boarders. our god yahowah told us, great shall be the reunion of the children of kubala who have been scattered and cruelly separated by edom in the name of “children social services”. 

chaka, who was inseparable with his big sister charo, was cruelly told he will never see charo again. 

protective mother hen big sisters charo and fadzai were cruelly told by durham social services they will never see chaka again 

but yahowah said, chaka is coming back to his borders, and shall be with charo and fadzai again, and his brothers kunashe and shingi and all his sisters, chaniya and nakai. for these 7 children of kubala are but the 7 golden lampstands of yahowah, revelation 1:12-13.

the 7 lampstands of yahowah, mukuru 

and their parents, atehene of the north, and queen nandi, the prophetess are but the two witnesses, the two olive branches, the olive trees, the lion of judah and the eagle of napolia, the king and queen of the north, the messiah and his priestess of dreams, zachariah 4:3-14.

the two olive trees, the lion and the eagle, dressed in sackcloth 

for esau sought to stop the rebirth of jacob, and he conspired to destroy the house of offeh, scatter the children and say “erase them! erase them!” he knows that his time is nigh, that his civilization is over, we are now at the interchange, because esau sold his birthright for a bowl of soup, and he hated jacob… 

for time is but an illusion , the prophecy could not be stopped, there is a great celebration coming to the kingdom of kubala, the horn of david is rising…

ziona is already born, the rebirth of jacob has already happened…

for the end of esau is the beginning of jacob…

so today we danced in our house, and gave praise and honor to yahowah, the tribal god, the god of rituals, the god of fire…as the offspring of esau threw rocks at our windows, saying they will burn our house…

but they know not, they can’t burn the house of offeh, for we are the fire…

because the house of jacob shall be a fire…

and yes, every edomite child who has tormented the house of kubala shall indeed be dashed to pieces…and the whole world shall behold it…

I am the mother of chaka…

i am the mother of chaka…

i said i am the mother of chaka…

chaka huya kumba…

mukuru ilizwe…

kubala kubala ilizwe 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

stockton edomites planning to burn our house, judgement is coming to them

 stockton edomites have gathered together and are now planning of burning our house. yesterday on the holy sabbath, as the kingdom of kubala stayed indoors to worship their god yahowah, edomite children sent by their parents broke down the door of kubala, the northern palace at 12 noon, the 6th hour of prayer. 

the children of esau threw rocks on the windows of the northern palace, and they broke the door, and threatened to burn down the current royal residence of the house of offeh calling them a “cult” and worse names. 

the house of offeh did not contact cleveland police when this abomination and threat to their lives happened yesterday on holy sabbath, because cleveland police will arrest them, for they hate the kingdom of kubala with a cruel hatred and keep seeking to torture and arrest them. 

queen nandi and king atehene of the north, prophetess mary-tamar and her lord husband the high priest of kubala are now officially the most hated people in britain today. their lives are in danger, they have no one to protect them against the violence of esau, not even the police. all they have is their god, mukuru yahowah. 

the kingdom of kubala was in prayer, observing their rituals when this abomination by the children of esau happened. this violence against jacob is nothing new under the son, esau has been conspiring against jacob to kill him since the day he sold his birth right for a bowl of soup. 

esau was told by his father isaac that by violence he shall live…so he is only but being true to himself when his offspring is threatening to burn our house…

jacob is loved, chosen, esau is hated, because of his evil…says the god of creation, yahowah…

now end times prophecy is reaching a peak in a small town of england called stockton on tees. for this town will be a monument, a place of remembrance for the jacobites in the imminent world, where esau will be no more…and jacob will reign supreme…

heavily pregnant, the prophetess cried to her god yahowah as the stones were being thrown on her windows during the holy sabbath…

prophetess mary-tamar cried out to yahowah as stockton edomite children stoned her residence 

edomite children who broke down our door as their adults cheered them on

remember edom, oh yahowah, for his violence against me as i am carrying israel, the man child…

remember edom, oh yahowah, for his violence against me as the earth is giving birth to jacob…

save us oh yahowah, out of this jacob’s trouble, for happy is he who dasheth his little ones against the rocks…

kubala kubala ilizwe 

when they threaten to burn my house and kill me, i am strong and I get my paints out…not by might, not by power but by the spirit of yahowah…

Breaking Kubala News

breaking kubala news: messiah atehene and queen nandi along with princess ruvimbo nakai arrested for child abduction

in a shocking turn of events, on the 30 th of october 2023, at seaham beach, the whole seaside town came to a standstill as more than 10 pol...